When Tippi discovers that a grumpy-growly bad mood that began in her own family is spreading fast and far around the world, she ponders what she can do to reverse it. Discover how a simple act of caring — a hug — brings Tippi’s dancing-prancing sweet spirit to every living thing in the universe.
American author Donna Ellen Conrad’s sweeping, poetic, and playful tale reveals how the whole living world is connected — and how all of our moods, energies, and actions are as contagious as a ha-choo.. Balinese artist and illustrator, Monez Gusmang, animates every character, creature, and civilization, creating worlds of colorful enchantment on every page.
From opposite ends of the globe, author and illustrator have merged their talents and cultures to share a positive message of global reach — that no child and no gesture of kindness is too small to make a happier, healthier, and sweeter world.
one child at a time ... one hug at a time.
A young girl discovers that a single hug can spread joy and well-being to every
living thing in the universe, reversing the contagion of grump and grrr that began
in her family.
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